🤔 Was this shot disrespectful?

Plus, a city’s mystery pickleball hater vandalizes courts, pickleball expert launches new book, and loads more...

Pickleheads X PIKKL

Hey there reader,

Welcome back to the Pickleheads Newsletter!

In this issue:

🤔 Was this shot disrespectful?
🤾 To Drive or Drop? That is the question.
🕵️ A city’s mystery pickleball hater vandalizes courts
👨‍⚕️ Pickleball expert launches “Expert strategies for next level play”
Epic point of the week

🤔 Was this shot disrespectful?

This week’s epic point is over pretty quick.

But the question remains, was this shot disrespectful? I’ll let you decide.

To check out this week’s epic point, click the image ▶️

Have a filthy point caught on cam? 📸

Reply to this email or submit yours to [email protected]. The most epic one will feature in next week’s newsletter!

AND if we pick your submission, we'll send you a free Pickleheads t-shirt 🙌 

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One of the coolest paddle innovations I’ve found

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Could this brand change the way we buy and care for our paddles?

I don’t come across paddle brands doing something unique often, but…

PIKKL has one of the coolest innovations I’ve seen yet!

You know how you get a brand-new paddle and it plays awesome at first?

But then after a few months, the grit wears down. It doesn’t spin like it used to.

Now you have two options (both bad):

  1. Play with less spin or

  2. Buy a new paddle

Well, if you’re like me you buy a new one. What a waste!

Enter PIKKL’s Pro Skins. It’s like a gritty sticker you peel and stick to your paddle face.

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The result? A brand new grit.

Only this way, it costs you $19.99. Not $150+ for a brand new paddle. 

Think about it - when strings break on a tennis racquet you don’t buy a new one… you replace the strings! 

Why should pickleball paddles be any different?

I tested the skins last week and they were super easy to use. And worked as you’d expect.

PIKKL doesn’t just make skins - they have two performance paddles that are now staples in my bag.

The Hurricane Pro is one of the best paddles I’ve tested all year. Amazing control – it will fix your drops! This is pro player “Hurricane” Tyra Black’s paddle.

The Vantage Pro is an elongated raw carbon paddle. Perfect step-up paddle if you’re using a beginner paddle. Btw, pro Gabe Tardio used this paddle to take down the Johns brothers twice this year. 😉

I’ve met PIKKL’s founder and love what they are doing to advance our sport. I’m excited too because they offered a really good discount to Pickleheads readers.

Get the Vantage Pro for just $99.99 (usually $139.99, use code PICKLEHEADSVP).

Or save 15% on the Hurricane Pro or any of PIKKL’s Pro Skins (use code PICKLEHEADS).

Pickleheads discount code auto-applied in the links above

Level Up image

🤾 To Drive or Drop? That is the question.

Rahul, Pickleheads community manager and APP Top 150 player, is back once again with this week’s top tip…

The age-old question of when to drive or drop in doubles.

If you asked me about a year ago, my answer would’ve been very different.

However, the game has changed, and driving is a much more important skill to master.

In general, I drive about 70% of the time and drop about 30% of the time.

Level Up GIF

I only drop the ball in two situations.

  1. The ball is low (below net height) and short in the court.

  2. The ball is low and in the mid-court.

You see, driving from here is not a good idea.

It’s easy to sail your drive long as you have to hit up on the ball.

I recommend you drive whenever the ball is above net height, even when you’re pinned back. Because a drop can only do so much in that situation.

Plus, a bad drop will only keep you back longer, keeping your opponent on the offensive.

A drive can earn you cheap points.

More importantly, it can set up an easier drop opportunity to advance to the kitchen.

So, Instead of trying to drop when you’re pinned back deep, drive those balls directly at your opponents, aiming to get a weak ball in return. This then allows you to advance to the kitchen.

Use this tip next time you’re out playing rec, and watch your ability to get to the kitchen and get free points skyrocket!

Here’s a video of Rahul talking you through this week’s tip 👇

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CHOMPS: My new favorite snack for pickleball

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What’s your favorite snack to bring to the courts?

For y’all who’ve been reading Pickleheads for a while, you’ll know mine is CHOMPS. 

They’re the perfect low-calorie, high-protein snack when hunger strikes pre or post-pickleball, even between games. 

Protein is key! I eat protein to keep me full on the court and help with muscle recovery after a long session. 

Like you, I’m usually on the go, and don’t always have the time to prep a high-protein meal for pre or post game. That’s why I always have a couple CHOMPS in my pickleball bag. 

Not only do they help me hit my daily protein goal, I never get bored because they have so many flavors. From Jalapeno beef to pepperoni seasoned turkey, they are seriously tasty.

They’re a guilt-free way to enjoy a snack at just 115 calories per stick. 

And, they can be eaten on the go! 

If you haven’t tried them yet, grab a box for your pickleball bag and thank me later. 

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🕵️ A city’s mystery pickleball hater vandalizes courts

A New York City resident has apparently had enough of the constant popping sounds and they’re taking matters into their own hands. 

👨‍⚕️ Pickleball expert launches “Expert strategies for next level play”

Pickleball expert, David Satka, recently launched his book “Winning Pickleball: Expert Strategies For Next Level Play”. 

The book teaches players of all levels how to improve their game through strategy, technique and mental toughness. 

💸 Pickleball serving  up investment opportunities

Tech stocks may have recently been on the rise, but many investors are questioning their valuations and looking beyond tech for investment opportunities.

The answer? Pickleball!

NEW: Instantly chat with players at courts you follow

This week we launched court chat, the easiest way to connect with nearby players!

Follow a court, and you can now chat with everyone who plays there:

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This is perfect if you’re traveling or exploring new courts in your area.

Just hop in the court chat to confirm open play times or find games at your level:

Group chat image

No more hunting for local Facebook groups, TeamReach codes or GroupMe invites.

Click follow on any court page and you’ll be automatically added to a group chat with other players who follow that court.

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Sawyer Point, Cincinnati

Dream Court image

You’ll find this week’s Dream Court at one of the most popular places to play pickleball in Cincinnati – Sawyer Point. 

I mean, where do the courts end?

Not only do they have 24 dedicated pickleball courts… I’ve seen it at night, you’re eclipsed by the city skyline! đŸ˜đŸĽ°

Save $50 on all lessons at Pickleheads

You now get $50 off all lessons booked through Pickleheads!

To find lessons, just click the ‘Lessons’ tab while searching:

Pickleheads lessons GIFF

💵 You’ll get a $50 coupon auto-applied when you find a coach through our site. You can also add your savings manually on Teachme.to with code Pickleheads50

There’s no better way to improve your game than with a hands-on lesson from a coach.

And we’re pleased to offer this discount to help you along your journey.

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Volair’s first ever FORZA sale!

Forza Mach

Wow! Am I stoked to announce this… Volair is having a sale.

Not just any sale, their first ever sale on their popular FORZA paddles!

And, it gets better… because you get an extra 10% off the sale price with Pickleheads too. This means you’re getting a pro-quality paddle under $130 😮

I reviewed the Volair Forza Mach 2 a few months back. It’s a great defensive paddle that reminds me of the JOOLA Scorpeus, but $70 cheaper…even cheaper today.

If you’re an intermediate and up looking for an all-round paddle with great control, big spin, good power and you play a defensive game – give this paddle a look.

The Forza Mach 1, on the other hand, is great if you’re an advancing intermediate looking for an elongated paddle. It has a lot of power.

If you’re looking to get in on this, you only have until the 1st of June before the offer ends.

And, it’ll be a long time before we see an offer like this again👇🏻

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